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‘SNR 30000’ – the new basis for the ‘TESTEX Community Mask’ label


The new Swiss Rule ‘SNR 30000’ for community masks was developed by the Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV) and officially came into force on 29 January.

TESTEX Community Mask Hauptbild main image

The newly defined standard is based on the Swiss COVID-19 Science Task Force’s proposals, which have also been approved by the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). That’s why, from 1 February onwards, TESTEX will test and assess all community masks based on the ‘SNR 30000’ rule.

The differences in the quality of community masks has been a frequently discussed topic in public discourse in recent months. That’s why, as a member of the Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV), TESTEX has joined forces with other stakeholders from industry and the science sector to develop a normative document that sets out minimum requirements for textile filter masks. The Swiss Rule ‘SNR 30000’ contains basic requirements with respect to splash resistance, breathability, reusability and aerosol filtration efficiency. More information about the Rule’s contents can be found on the Swiss Association for Standardization (SNV) website: Swiss Rule SNR 30000:2021/SNV media release.

From 1 February 2021 onwards, TESTEX will test and assess all textile masks according to the Swiss Rule ‘SNR 30000’. But there will be a one-month transition period for all applications submitted before the new test criteria are published. Compliance with the STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX® regulations remains a mandatory criterion for the ‘TESTEX Community Mask’ label.

To clear up any confusion, each label indicates whether the Swiss National COVID-19 Science Task Force’s recommendations or the requirements set out in the Swiss Rule ‘SNR 30000’ were used as the basis for testing. While all the existing labels remain valid for the intended period, they must be renewed according to the ‘SNR 30000’ conditions.

Media contacts

TESTEX AG, Swiss Textile Testing Institute
Marc Sidler, Group CMO
Phone: +41 44 206 42 68
e-mail: marc.sidler@testex.com

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