Could you provide a brief overview of the chemical products or solutions you offer to the industry?
PT Kinerja Mutiara Persada (KIMUDA) is a chemical manufacturer dedicated to textile applications. Our product lines are focused on modern-technological sizing agents for spun and filament yarn. We perform research and development with a novel technology concept and dynamic facility to create better products for our respective users. We dedicate ourselves to providing them with better performance, more efficient integrated costs, simpler processes, and environmentally friendly products, supported with the excellency of technical services & industrial consultancies. Our commitment to bring a better future for the textile industry had lead us to a broad company vision of leading the sustainable business to a brighter hope of everyone’s tomorrow.
Who are your major customers and in which sector are they active?
All of our customers are weaving mills. Some of them have integrity mills from upstream to downstream and others have Weaving Mills only. Our Indonesian customers include Duniatex, Nagasakti, Dan Liris and Insan Sandang Internusa. Our customers abroad include Mahmud Denims Bangladesh, Square Denim Bangladesh and Mahmud Indigo.
What are the benefits gained by your customers from your chemical products, solutions or services?
- By using our products, the vector is highly able to perform at a much lower concentration to accomplish the performance ofnormal products at their optimum level. This gives further benefits for the sizing cost efficiency and the de-sizing safety performance and de-sizing cost efficiency.
- Balance natural polymer size absorption & film strength optimization for yarn protection
- FOOD GRADE characteristic that will not harm any living organism in case of skin contact or ingestion.
How do you think the chemical industry has evolved? And what can be expected in the forthcoming years?
Our products are created by demand of reasonable purpose, and added value is created through technology that is strengthened by the research & development process. At KIMUDA we always try to anticipate not only the existing demand but also the future expected demand, and perhaps the unexpected too. We’re passionate about creating products for the textile industry that can generate and share outstanding benefits to the users, environment, and other players in the industrial business chain. Therefore, we always put higher priority to our products’ research and development.
How does your company sustain its competency in the chemical market for the textile and leather industries and how do you fulfil your stakeholders’ expectations?
To conduct a sustainable business means that in the first place we have to create something that supports all of our stakeholders’ growth safely with less sacrifices. Therefore, it’s a very important mission for us to invent, develop, and ensure better products and methods for everyone’s benefit through the spirit of sharing, listening and caring. We try to understand every single expectation of our customers. If they want a specific product only for their company, we try to accommodate it.
Considering the impact that chemical products can have on the environment, would you tell us about your concrete steps in driving sustainability in the textile and leather industries?
- Recently we have tried to reduce our use of petrochemical & its derivatives i.e. “synthetic materials”. We have started using renewable resources such as natural polymers e.g. native starch.
- Our future product policy is reducing the dosage of our product. E.g.: we have a product called GC (regular product), and now we’ve developed a new version G5 which can reduce use up to 60%.
- We regularly educate our customers to use products that comply with ZDHC Level 3.
Would you cite some examples on the best practices being adopted in your production factories for better environmental & chemical management?
We have adopted zero waste in our factories. From the raw material to used packaging, we utilize everything fully.
Which level of OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT certification have your chemical products attained?
We have attained Level 3: Onsite Verification of Product Stewardship.
What are the major challenges in getting your chemical products OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT certified and how did your company overcome the challenges?
The most challenging thing is the paradigm and understanding of our employees about the importancy of the ECO PASSPORT certification. Giving them understanding and knowledge by management step by step helps to tackle this problem. Furthermore, we have to realize that the market trend nowadays is shifting towards eco-friendly products and if a company wants to survive, they have to be more efficient, effective and disciplined. Getting certification means that our company is ready to do that.
How does the OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT certification scheme help your company in communicating your success in sustainable production with your key stakeholders?
Most of our customers already knew and understood ECO PASSPORT certification. Therefore, we don’t need much effort communicating this with them.
Why did you choose OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT over other possible choices in the industry?
Most importantly because of its strong branding and thorough chemical content screening and hazardous substance checking. Secondly, most of our customers prefer ECO PASSPORT. Thirdly, we have already cooperated for a long time with TESTEX Indonesia.
How do you comment on your experience in working with TESTEX in this OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT certification?
It was a pleasant experience working with TESTEX. They are very professional, helpful and informative.

Statement by TESTEX’s ECO PASSPORT Auditor
PT. Kinerja Mutiara Persada has successfully met the requirements of OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT Level 3 with the fullest satisfaction. The auditor was able to assess the requirements in the checklist and perform the audit with full of support and good collaboration from the company. The responsible staff were very cooperative and did not hesitate to show all areas of the facility along with all the required documents. From the review of the Self-Assessment to the facility inspection, transparency played a vital role, leading to the products’ attainment of the highest level of OEKO-TEX® ECO PASSPORT certification.