
Certified to Last: TESTEX CIRCULARITY for Sustainable Textiles


TESTEX launches the new TESTEX CIRCULARITY Label which focuses on extending product lifecycle, empowering brands and manufacturers to embrace circular economy principles in textiles.

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The new TESTEX CIRCULARITY Label is an initiative aimed at shaping the textile industry by promoting durability, repairability, and recyclability. Designed to extend the lifecycle of garments, the TESTEX CIRCULARITY Label empowers brands and manufacturers to embrace sustainable practices and make a positive environmental impact.

At the heart of the TESTEX CIRCULARITY concept is a commitment to minimising waste and maximising the lifespan of textiles through responsible design, production, and consumption. The circular economy seeks to preserve resources, combat climate change, and reduce pollution by ensuring that products and materials are given new life after their initial use. Through reuse, repair, and recycling, products don’t become waste but instead continue to generate value while reducing their negative environmental impacts.

Key benefits of the TESTEX CIRCULARITY Label include:

  • Durability: Products are designed to last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements
  • Repairability: Garments are crafted to be easily repairable, allowing consumers to extend their lifespan
  • Recyclability: At the end of a garment’s life, materials can be broken down and repurposed, minimising waste.

With the TESTEX CIRCULARITY Label, TESTEX supports brands and manufacturers in "closing the loop", reducing their environmental impact while continuing to grow responsibly. For consumers, choosing products with the TESTEX CIRCULARITY Label means making a responsible choice that contributes to a sustainable future.

Who is the TESTEX CIRCULARITY Label suitable for?

  • Brands looking to align their products with circular economy principles.
  • Manufacturers aiming to produce garments that meet the highest sustainability standards.

By adopting the TESTEX CIRCULARITY Label, brands and manufacturers can lead the charge toward a more sustainable and responsible fashion industry.

For more information please get in touch with us via our contact form.

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